Weight Loss, Sleep And Treatment

A recent study published in the International Journal of Obesity shows that one is more likely to achieve their desired weight if they get between six and eight hours sleep each night. Anymore sleep will render one to inactive and any less will promote stress and thus increase the desire to eat more.

Approximately 500 adults participated in the study and the average age of participants was 55 years.

They dieted, attended therapy sessions and increased their amount of exercise. A huge 60% of the group lost 10 pounds of their original weight. Those who were successful were the participants reporting 6-8 hours of sleep. This made them x2 as likely to find success over those who reported higher levels of stress and less than 6 hours of sleep each night.

The latest controversy surrounding weight loss is that some doctors are being accused of reaching too quickly for the diet pill in order to apply a 'quick fix' solution with 1.5 million prescriptions being written each year, x11 times the amount written 10 years ago. Xenical is the only licensed drug available for purchase in the EU. A spokesperson for NICE (National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence) states that pills should only be introduced after an attempt to maintain a healthy diet and consistent exercise routine has been exhausted to no effect. As helpful as diet, exercise and 6-8 hours of sleep can be, Xenical will at least, speed up the effects of good diet and healthy exercise habits.

The drug is prescribed to those who are willing to make the necessary lifestyle changes while they are being treated. Xenical is not prescribed as a 'quick fix' and will certainly not work if treated like one.

This drug does not suit everyone however. For the moment there are no other prescription treatment options available. We will have to wait until October before there is more news of the application for the approval of Qnexa.

With British women now representing the heaviest women in Western Europe, perhaps diet and exercise is too slow a process to attempt without the aid of a diet pill. Such weight loss treatments, if taken correctly, may decrease the huge number of bariatric surgeries taking place today.

Bariatric surgeries are on the rise today and one family of three, at a combined weight of 70 stone have already cost the NHS one million pounds. There young fifteen year old boy is next in line for a gastric band operation.

Whether purchasing Xenical from a reliable online source or a pharmacy, a prescription will only follow a medical consultation in order to ensure that a patient is not contraindicated. For example, if a patient has had their gall bladder removed, they will not be approved for Xenical and other weight loss treatment options will be explored.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/expert/Alicia_Ni_Ghrainne/782922

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